
In the last semester of my undergraduate degree, I served as President of CougarCS, the largest student-led computer science organization at the University of Houston!
As President, I led a team of 10+ officers to promote professional development and technical upskilling to 200+ members by coordinating and hosting club workshops and activities! I oversaw all semester event logistics, drive member recruitment, and define CougarCS's vision and key objectives. I spearheaded a rebranding effort to update CougarCS's outward image, and bring more attention to the club's subcommittees!

During Fall 2021, I served as Secretary of CougarCS, where I increased new member recruitment by 30% through structured advertisement of club activities and events, and streamlined the team's process documentation by creating thorough agendas and taking concise and organized meeting notes. I created and executed the club's most successful event for two consecutive semesters: The Build-Your-Own-Keyboard workshop!
During the BYOK workshop, I condensed the hardware skills I learned from my keyboard project into a teachable workshop, where participants could build their own 4-key binary keyboard (pictured on bottom right) from scratch!

I'm so grateful to have had the oppurtunity to lead and give back to the community that contributed so much to my professional growth! I intend to stay involved as an Alumni and continue the success of CougarCS's mission.

Click here to learn more about CougarCS (and to check out the branding)!